DAISY (Bellis perenis)

Related to feverfew
Bellis means pretty, also know as Bruisewort
Use flowers and leaves
Not often used by modern herbalists but has a long tradition of use going back to Pliny. It can be used instead of the endangered Arnica and is much safer


· Expectorant - use for chesty coughs
· Antimicrobial
· Astringent - use for wounds and bruising especially those that get worse with heat or touch, recovery from injury, especially falls, twisting or wrenching (i.e. sports injuries)
Also indicated for:
· Muscular aches
· Arthritis
· Headaches
· Allergies


Used in medieval times to heal wounds and bruises: the crusaders used daisy ointment for broken bones. The leaves were chewed for mouth ulcers and it was said that 3 heads of daisy alleviated the ache after a tooth was pulled. Other traditional uses were catarrh, migraine, heavy menstruation, rheumatism and bronchitis.


Works by contracting muscles and veins to ensure adequate tissue perfusion and improves blood circulation, also dispelling congealed or coagulated blood. Therefore could be good at reducing the appearance of varicose veins. Used for deep tissue damage especially in abdomen, trunk, breasts and pelvis when the patient feels stiff or cold. Good for post operative healing, prevents suppuration, soothes the pain of cut nerves and relieves internal soreness. Rub on the abdomen of a pregnant woman if the womb feels bruised. If Arnica hasn’t helped with an injury try Daisy.

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